Question: In which ways do you think we can bring our unconscious thoughts, desires, feelings and conflicts into our conscious minds? Do you believe in these practices?

A family meal that I cooked

A family meal that I cooked

The unconscious mind consists of feelings, thoughts, memories, or urges that exist outside of our conscious awareness. One way to become aware of it is through the practice of meditation, specifically in relation to eating. By practicing mindful eating, I can bring greater awareness and pleasure to the act of eating. It can help me recognize the urge to consume more when I have a habit of rushing through meals and eating without really tasting or enjoying my food.

To practice mindful eating, I can start by placing my chopsticks down between bites. This will prevent me from moving on to another bite before fully chewing and swallowing the previous one. In fact, practicing mindfulness is more difficult than I thought because I have long been accustomed to eating quickly. When I focus on each bite, chew food thoroughly, and savor the flavors and textures of the food, it helps me fully appreciate the act of eating. This can also lead to a greater sense of satiation, as my brain receives signals of fullness earlier when I eat more slowly and mindfully.

The next step involves noticing how my tongue works while chewing, savoring, and tasting the food. The human tongue is a small but mighty muscle that works tirelessly between each bite and swallow. It is also a flexible and sensitive organ, capable of discerning the subtle sensations that food brings. By paying attention to what my tongue is touching, what texture it is, and how it feels, it helps me develop a sense of gratitude for this often-neglected part of my body.

Furthermore, the practice of mindful eating can have broader implications for my daily life. By becoming aware of my impatience and tendency to rush through life experiences. I can begin to cultivate a greater sense of mindfulness in other areas of my life as well. To overcome the unconscious behavior of wanting more, I may spend time eating more slowly, or practicing a slower-paced lifestyle and savoring the flavors of life, creating breaks in the day to fully taste the sweetness of life.