A surge of excitement rushed through my body when I received a notification that another student signed up for our courses. We did it. The deal has been secured.

No, we didn’t.

The experience to win students’ trust has just only begun.

The student hasn’t become our customer until they paid for the course. The student hasn’t gotten everything out of the course until they complete it. The student hasn’t felt the impact of the course until they want to recommend someone else to try it.

After receiving signups, there are many steps course creators have to do in order to provide a fitting and fulfilling experience for the students. Here are some of the things I have learned:

  1. Thank the students: Follow up with the students to thank them for spending the time learning about your course and finishing the application.
  2. Read the students’ profile carefully: Make sure you understand from their application what their needs and goals are when joining the course. If you haven’t fully understood, reach out to set up a chat with them. This step is crucial in understanding whether the student is a good fit for your course.
  3. Concentrate on building relationships with the ones who fit. Saying “it’s not for you” shows the ability to respect someone enough that you're not going to waste their time and shows respect for those you seek to serve.
  4. Keep proving the values you bring to students: Showing your work is an ongoing process and it doesn’t stop at receiving signups or hitting your target numbers. You have to keep producing content and showing up for the students who have chosen you.

These steps above help increase the chance that a student signing up eventually pays and enrolls in the course and increases their completion rate.