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On peer-to-peer learning

Building Learning Communities

Cohort learning is not new. Online cohort learning will be.

When learning happens

[Re]Imagined City

Can my idea be my identity?

What’s the Future of Work?

Learning Science

Não 101

Khả năng thích ứng và học của bộ não

Learning is Linking

Thiết lập thói quen và hệ thống

LTM & WM: How to make learning stick?

Chunking: Giảm lượng tăng chất

Động lực học tập

Spacing: Học nhiều không có nghĩa là hiệu quả

Desirable Difficulties: Easier Isn’t Better

Desirable Difficulties: Easier Isn’t Better pt.2


Pt.1: Giving feedback is hard. Receiving feedback is much harder.

Pt.2: Giving feedback is hard. Receiving feedback is much harder.

Leadership in times of uncertainty

Dynamics at Work


Smallest Viable Market

Signing Up is Just the Beginning

Personal Branding


Being Original

The most uncomfortable question: “What if?”

Short term pain

“Why show him the world when he’s never going to leave the ghetto?”